You Can DECIDE To Change Your Life

You Can DECIDE To Change Your Life

Let me begin by recounting an experience that is probably going to leave your head shaking, especially if you are a military family. Military families understand how to move themselves, their family, and all their belongings across the country and across the world....
Burgruine Kürnburg

Burgruine Kürnburg

Prior to COVID-19, we traveled extensively across Europe year round.  So much so that my wife Jules often lamented how infrequently we enjoyed the confines of our own home.  With travel restrictions in place across Europe that is no longer a problem. ...
The Never-ending War

The Never-ending War

Every two or three years a battle happens for military families who are PCSing. That battlefield is your home, and the casualties are not only your possessions, but your sense of calm, serenity, and sense of right and wrong. I’m talking about moving. Some battles are...
Naab River Rope Swing

Naab River Rope Swing

If you’re old enough you remember those Mountain Dew commercials where the 20 somethings swig their Mountain Dew while swinging into a body of water on a hot summer day, you’ll appreciate this swimming spot on the Naab River. For those not familiar with...