OCTOBER 21, 2019

We arrived 15 July and this was the first day the entire family was able to ‘take it easy’ (okay, it was the first day Jules was able to take it easy with the rest of us).

We took advantage of the lazy day by taking a ten mile bicycle ride along the Naab river.  Note that Acadia is on the sidewalk while Hunter and Eva ride in the street.  Deutsche law.

Some of the country roads are bicycle, pedestrian, horse only.  Some allow automobile traffic.  Regardless, you can navigate along these roads with

very little traffic.  However when those few cars appear, you can guarantee they will be going fast and they will be very close to you on your bicycle.

Not the vibrant reds and no sugarbushes, but lots of deciduous trees with foliage mixed among the mostly coniferous forests.

Foliage + bicycles + Europe

300 years Old

As far as Europe goes, this restaurant in an old cloister is a bit young at 300. Props to our new friends and neighbors Chad and Jessica for sharing this find with us.

Naab River

21 OCTOBER 2019

The 300 year old restaurant overlooks the Naab River.  Always nice as parents to have your kids play on a bridge or narrow strip of land between two bodies of water as you watch them from above.